Santa is Alive and Well and Lives In California?
I am going to share with you my Dearbloggerfriend my great life reaffirming holiday story.
My daughter has become a great Beatles fan. She absolutely loves them. It started innocently enough when she was about three years of age when she first saw The Yellow Submarine. She loved it. And through her nine years on this earth, she has been continually inundated with music from the Beatles.
And last year something really hit a chord with my dear Scooter as she sat and watched A Hard Days Night. She sat mesmerized by these young boys from Liverpool, with their charming smiles, cute hairdos and close fraternity of the band that the film displayed. She loved the humour and the quirkiness of each band member. We have since followed it up with Help! and my daughter's love of Mr. Ringo Starr has been sealed. Sealed so solidly that I have been told that her first born son will be named Richard Starkey. I had always wondered what my first born grandson would be named and now I know.
She has also declared that she knows that someday she will meet Mr. Starr. She just knows she will. All of her friends are given wee antidotes about the Beatles and know how great of a drummer Ringo was. She knows of all the folklore and can pinpoint who is singing what. She can tell you all of the Beatle wives as well. All of her stuffed animals are given names of the Beatles and their crew.
So, for Christmas, when I saw on Ebay the Ringo Starr 'classic', Caveman, I knew I had a perfect stocking stuffer for my wee lass. I placed my bid and awaited the news of my winning the product.
And lo and behold I won!
I do not know if any of you have ever made a purchase through e-bay. It is pretty straight forward, you place your bid, you win or you lose and then you arrange for shipment costs and normally you pay for all through Paypal... Absolutely brilliant! No fuss, no muss and you did not have to leave your home for your purchase, it comes home to you.
Well, my dear seller, does not want his payment through the easy 'no fuss no muss' method of Paypal. He wants his payment through money order. It may seem simple enough for some, but in my neighbourhood, at Christmastime, proves to be a big hassle. A big hassle as people in my neighbourhood are from the olde country. People from my neighbourhood, live, live, for line-ups as it brings them back to the ways of the olde country. It brings them back to their beloved Poland. They are true vetrans of the waiting in line-ups. They bring sustenance.They have thermos' filled with tea and they have sausages. They know of a full day commitment when it comes to government and they expect it. They do not come to the post office for a small piddly package. They come to the post office with bundle buggies full of packages. And they pay for all these packages with bags of coins. Not rolled, as what are they paying the goverment for?
And of course, the post office employee takes all of this in good stride. She is a government employee. She will not be intimidated by huffy people in line. In fact, if there seems to be any rebellion in the ranks, it causes her to work at an even slower pace, seeming to crawl along in her tasks of the day. And all the while she speaks in Polish and moves in such a way, that her breathing causes irritation to a woman, who has to pick up her kid from school in two hours and a half and fears that she has not allowed enough time for this adventure.
Now, I am a perfectly reasonable person. I am a person who is patient and kind. But my neighbourhood post office truly sends me over the deep end. And the fact that I am there five weeks before Christmas and dealing with the crowds displays a love that is indeed great for my daughter. And to be told when I get to the front of the line that they do not take interact, to be told after waiting a lifetime, watching endless pennies being counted at the counter, to hearing all the gossip of various rhumnetoid remedies, to be told when I get to the front of the line that they do not take interact, can cause a perfectly reasonable person to go insane. Or dare I use the phrase 'POSTAL??"
But why do you not take interact? You took it two weeks ago?
What do you mean Nih? You did!
Nih Panyha. Zat was den, dis is now. Too buzy for dis interaaaact?
But you are not too busy to count out pennies? I am such a novice when it comes to line ups, such an upstart, such a whippersnapper.And with her 'Nih, and Nexxct!!!!" supended in the air she dismisses me and looks to the next prepared customer, Miss Fussy Pants, or Miss Pissy Pants aka me, turns and leaves, grumbling my displeasure for all the rest of my 'line up buddies' proletariat amusement.
I am so discouraged, well, that truly is not the word, I am so angry , yes, angry, furious even, that to go to my bank, and then go back to the post office takes more energy than I can expend. And since my gasket in brimming to explosion I decide to avoid my rage and storm home sputting and spewing about the injustice of it all.
A week passes and my mind has been preoccupied with all the other holiday festivities that have taken up my mind and brain limited activity. So much so, that I had utterly and completely forgotten about my purchase, my lack of payment or and the postal payment. That is until I get the phone call from my Ebay Buddy.
Ohhh my Gawd.i am so sorry... And I explain my mental obstacle problem with the post. And that I am truly embaressed for my tardiness/forgetfulness. I tell him all about my post office experience, and promise to battle it head on the following day.
I then tell him about my daughter and how much this is going to make her Christmas. I then go into the history of my daughter's love. How often does a kid sit through the entire Beatles Anthology. My daughter can imitate the way George versus John hold their perspective guitars, this poor man was given the whole 'Why Scooter loves the Beatles Speech' and all he was calling for was payment.
I get to the post office, I make my payment, I request Prioity Post and e-mail my E-Bay buddy the particulars. A week and a half later my payment arrives.Nothing like Priority Post! And with that he informs me that the package has been sent.
I write him a thank you note and another sincere apology for my tardiness. And to my surprise he writes me back.
He writes me back with a great story. He, too, loves the Beatles. He, too, can not get enough of them. He understands my family's love of the Beatles. He goes on in his story to tell me about a good friend of his and how she was given the opportunity to play on Sir Paul's latest album. He tells a story of how his good friend was read the riot act through the record label and told that she may not address SirPaul, may not talk about the Beatles or anything for that matter. He tells me how he made his dear friend feels rotten. As he tried guilting her into allowing him to at least drive her to the recording studio for this may be his only opportunity to get a glimpse of one of the fab four.She tells him no, but it huants her. It haunts her all the way through the drive to the studio and up to the kitchen where all the other musicians are making their tea. She then tells all the musician how over wrought with guilt she it and that her friend is such a huge fan and she let him down.
She then decides to prove her point by calling his answering machine and making the various musicians listen to his out going message which is The Beatles and Paul's voice screaming ONE TWO THREE FOOAAHHH!!!
And with that Sir Paul enters the room.The musicians point beyond this young woman's shoulders and she turns... And there she is with Sir Paul. There she is with the man she is supposed to not address, not allowed to talk to, and definitely not allowed to mention The Beatles with.
And it is more than she can bare, she screams' Sir Paul, Sir Paul, I know we are not allowed to talk about The Beatles, I know we are not allowed to talk to you, But Sir Paul, Sir Paul, I would be a horrible, horrible, friend if I did not ask you to listen to my friend's answering machine message!!!Please!!!'
And with that he took the phone from the young woman and pressed redial. He listened to my EBay buddy's outgoing message and left one of his very own Sir Paul greeting on my Ebay Buddy's machine.
Now, this story certainly warmed my heart at Christmas.It was such a sweet story. A story of friendship and it really did make me feel all warm and cozy inside. So, I wrote my e-bay buddy to tell him just that...I also let him know that the Caveman movie arrived and it was perfect.(In truth I forgot how truly bad it was but we fast forwarded the questionable parts.)
Well, My Ebay Buddy then emails me back saying that he has something special for my family. And with that he sent the message from SirPaul as well as bloopers of Beatles recording sessions from around the world. It should receive arrive for Christmas. And Merry Christmas to you and yours.
The CD arrived and I placed it in my husband's stocking along with the new CD called LOVE... But the CD of the Bloopers is what was the coveted gift over the holidays. It was played non stop. John trying to get Paul to laugh, Paul screaming 'Bloody Hell,' and George making up words to a song... Endless moments for the fans in my home.
I wrote my dear Ebay Buddy another thank you note to let him know how truly appreciated his gift was.... How utterly selfless and I will remember him always for it. As through a simple ebay purchase I got a bit of Christmas back. For Santa is alive and well and lives in California.
And you know....
When he opened my e-mail. He felt so very special. He did feel like Santa Claus. But he also added that he felt very surreal for as he opened his blackberry to my e-mail he was in Ringo Starr's home. He was asked to help his friend with a contract of decorating his home. He was in Ringo's house...
And Mr. Starr was on the phone in front of him and on the coffee table there was a Variety Book with Icons of the 21st century with the Beatles on the cover. And through his email he gave me wee tastes of what the home looked like for me to tell my daughter so that she may relive his moment.
He wrote me a wonderful note back saying that he would find a way to get a fan letter from my Scooter to Mr. Starr.
Now, Dear-BloggerFriend , it does not end there, as I have told this story of goodwill to all who were willing to listen. And I told this story to my friends at a big party I had over the holidays...
And one of the dad's at my party, gives me this mischievious smile and says that 'we are all elves.... And not only does Santa live in California but he can live in Canada too... 'And with that he has my attention...
His sister's best friend is married to Zachary Starkey. Ringo's son.
And so the beat goes on... Now, if only I could get my daughter into Thom Yorke!
GREAT STORY!! Please let us know if Scooter ever gets to meet Ringo Starr! How cool would that be??
Your daughter would have loved the exhibit that we did here at my Library a couple summers ago... It was an exhibit to commemmorate the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' first visit to Cincinnati and we had TONS of memorabilia, panel discussions, cover band concerts. It was alot of fun!
The Beatles will always be good music! ;o)
THat is just the best story ever. It really made my day to read it.
AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! aaahhhh.... I'm speechless...
*gasp and swoon*...
I feel faint. I feel faint. I need a drink of water.
I think that I'm going to pass out...and I think my panties just blew off.
You just made me giggle beyond belief. That was like 5 GREAT stories all rolled into one.
What a fantastic story...It really is a small world, isn't it?
six degrees...
What a fantastic story...It really is a small world, isn't it?
six degrees...
Amazing Utterly amazing. And that CD must be totally wonderful!
Long live Santa...
Oh the lengths we will go to please our loved ones during the holidays! That's quite a story.
Andrew (To Love, Honor, and Dismay)
Do you lead a charmed life, or what?
Fantastic story, fantastic.
Wow! What an amazing turn of events...Your stories are always so awesome!
Oh, I love this! Love it!
Wooo hoooo! I love that story! Much better than mine: Pnumonia for 2 weeks over Christmas. I love that people will over extend themselves when they find a connectuion somewhere!! AWESOME!
what a trip ... its true were all connected in the littlest strangest ways, you just never know!
What a fabulous story. It just kept escalating into an almost Beatle-like fever. I truly loved it, and also that you were able to talk with the often face-less ebay person.
What did Scooter think of Caveman?
THAT is an amazing story.
I love The Beatles too...SF listens to them every night during bedtime...
Go Scooter!
I always save your stories to savor... if only I could sit on your porch on a summer evening with a glass of wine and listen to you TELL them... -SIGH-
This is awesome. You have reaffirmed my faith in people.
What a wonderful tool eBay can be. And Mrs T hit it spot on: you lead a charmed life. Somehow, you fall into the best scenarios with the best of luck.
And you tell the stories so well, too.
It makes me so happy to read about the kindnesses that other people do for one another.
Uh, except for the postal worker lady, of course!
What a great story!
I have to admit that the movie Caveman is one of my guilty pleasures. It's so cheezy I can't help but love it!
My god woman.ou tell such good stories. I am always impressed with your writing flare.
Excellent story!
Great story. BTW, I have found that convience stores almost always have money orders that are cheaper than the bank of the post office and you don't have to wait in line.
I had a similar experience with Judy Collins. I was working back stage at a music festival where she w as perfoeming. We were toldnot to speak to her and all kinds of other stuff. She was looking at us as if we were all crazy the most unfriendly people she had ever seen or both. I finally told her that she was beautiful and got the most brilliant smile I have ever seen, along with a thank you, of course. Then she went on stage so I did not get to actually speak with her. They put all kinds of weird stuff in the riders of come stars' contracts to make sure they get read, and to keep people from bugging them to much.
Oh, how lovely!! And it thrills me no end that it was Ringo that your daughter decided was the best Beatle! I have always felt that he got the short end and not nearly enough credit.
My son also grew through his toddler-hood and early childhood dancing and singing to the Beatles and he definitely had his favorite songs. Turns out they were ALL written by Ringo!
Pendullum. Do you know that I am a HUGE BEATLES FAN? Like, to the extent that Scooter is? HUGE. HUGE. FAN.
And Miss Julia is quite a fan herself; I bought her the "Yellow Submarine" book for Christmas and we read it probably four times a week. I often catch her singing "All Together Now" and "Good Day Sunshine" under her breath.
I had goosebumps the entire time I read this. I still have goosebumps.
I will never, ever forget this post. EVER. In fact, I'm going to print it off.
Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I love it. Thanks for telling the story!!
(I'm so excited now...I have to go listen to Beatles music...)
What a small world! I can't wait to hear how the meet goes!
I LOVE THIS STORY!!! We are huge Beatles fans here, I had a bit of explaining to do when the girl sang "Why Don't We Do It in the Road" in front of the grandparents.
I would LOVE to hear the bloopers CD- lucky you.
I hope Scooter gets to meet Ringo, it would be such a fitting end to this amazing story.
How did you come up with the most incredible life? You have met the coolest people or know someone who knows someone!!! I always love your tales!
You have the BEST STORIES EVER! That is SO cool.
THANK YOU for sharing that story. You told it beautifully and I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time!
Great story Pen!!! When I first seen the Beatles I fell in love with Ringo too. I just felt like I had to meet him. But of course I never did. I can remember that crush though. ( I had several big ones in my young life...lol) I do think I would go ballistic at your post office! Ours closes for an hour at lunch time and that totally pisses me off! Your daughter has great taste...the Beatles rock!
I love it when you "do" accents in your stories, because then I can hear them in my own head. Awesome story, as ALWAYS. And really, I want to spend the afternoon with you sometime and see if amazing things will happen to me too!
And oy, I'd like to give that mean postal lady a piece of my mind for being so rude to our dear blogger friend! GRRRRRR.
What a fun story. How nice that "Sir Paul" left a message and was sweet about the whole thing...
Great story! Thanks for sharing.
hmm...that reminded me of when i was a little girl. at first it was hermans hermits and THEN it was the beatles. i LOVED yellow submarine...still do.
lucky girl...
Holy cow! I bet Scooter will meet Ringo. No, I know it!
What a cool story, as always! You have the most magical way of telling them, too. Truly a gift, my friend! I would love to hear if she gets to meet him. How cool would that be????
BTW: Are you talking about Thom Yorke from Radiohead?
Wow, talk about good Beatles karma. I made a point of going to Abbey Road when I was in London. It was kinda cool just being close to the recording studio they used to use. I love it that your Daughter loves the Beatles, so much better than a love for Hillary Duff or some dope like that. And of all the Beatles she picks Ringo as her favorite. God, that makes her even cuter!
God bless you, Pendullum. And your daughter. And California's Santa. But mostly you for reminding me how very cool this blogging thing is. Once again, you've served up the usual... laughter, tears, warm-fuzzies. You're so darn good!!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
A great Christmas ending, but I think you really catalyzed this by opening up and sharing your personal story and post office nightmares. It could have been a cold, sterile interaction, but you made it warm and personal. And look at your reward!
What an amazing story! What a circle of events. Your daughter will forever have some wonderful Beatles stories to share her entire life.
BECKY: I promise to let everyone know if Scooter meets RIngo. And the display sounds really cool! What cover bands came? Did that big band Rain come?
ONLINE TRADING: Well, I do not know... It's just sad really.
WENDY BOUCHER: It made my heart all warm and cozy to share it.
KEVIN: Do you even wear panties???
BV: Thanks babayyy!!!
DOMESTIC CHICKY: So very true!
CHICHIMAMA: It is a fabulous CD!
ANDREW: So very true.
MRS T: I feel as though I do...I am so grateful for moments like these...
CHELLE:So are yours !!!
KRISTIN: Love yours and the post you did at Mamarazzi about Heidi Klum and Seal still has me reeling!!!! ;0
STEPPINGOVERJUNK: Me, too. I think that is what makes the story so very special...and I want to do something for this guy and can not think of anything...
KIM:I am still working on your meme...Have not forgotten!!!
STRAUSS: Scooter loved Caveman... Geez, I forgot how truly cheesy it was... Had to fast forward the Barbra Bach scene though...
JANET: Amazing how the Beatles are becoming the Father Geese of our time.
OH THE JOYS:One ofmy fantasies is to hang out with you and hear all your stories...
ANDREA: It did really make me belivein people...He,my ebay buddy, was amazed that I would send a thank you and I was amazed at how kind and patient he seemed dealing with flakey ole me.
GINA: I really do not like my postal lady... and I think the feeling is mutual.
ATTILA: One of the few who know the 'classic'... Hardto believe Ms. Shelley Long and Mr. Quaid were in it as well...
CHRISTINA: I blush in your general direction!
KIM AYRES: Thanks and your last post still has me thinking... Brilliant post!
SEVENTH SISTER: Not in my hood... Truly wish there wasto avoid the next postal confrontation.
Sweet Judy Collins story...Wonder where she is now...
SAYRE: I get to hear at nauseum from Scooter... But what about Ringo???
MAMA TULIP: Have Julia watch the Yellow Submarine... She may be ready... Sad that they did not use their real voices.. But she may enjoy it...
And list your favourite Bealte tunes... would love to know...My husband has the fantastic book called Revolution in the Head... Itis brilliant... Quintessential book for a Beatles fan...
OPEN GROVE: I do not know when as Mr. Starr just completed his North American tour.
URBAN-URCHIN: Classic song... Scooter now has the real Bealtessong book and has been practicing HELP! on the piano... She wants to learn ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE next...and that makes my heart happy.
BANANAS62: Thank you.
LISA: Thanks honey... And i still have had a giggle from your post ofSeth eating his hamburger at the table. ...
CATCH: Geez Catch...Ringo and Joe Namoth(sp?)? Who else is in that lovenest crush closet of yours?
JODI: Trust me things do not happen to me everyday...Lead a pretty humble life...But it would be fun to hang one day...and make certain our kids are locked in! ; )
SARAH:That he did and I have the glorious CD to prove it.
SLACKERMOMMY: Thanks for stopping by and great family pic!
TANYA KRISTINE: What was your favourite Herman and the Hermits song?
ANDIE D: I really hope so.
PATTIE: Yes, I am talking about Radiohead... The gal just will not give them a try...
MARCIE:How cool are you??/Abby Road would be so awesome to be in.
CATHERINE: SO are youmy dear... I am so looking forward to the book!!!Yeeehewww!!!
KC: Thank you... It is a pretty amazing reward!
MAMACITA TINA: Endless memories for her to pass on to anyone who is willing tol isten
Great story! My husband has been a Beatles fan since he first saw them on the Ed Sullivan show. He and his brothers were mad because they usually watched a western on at the same time but his folks wanted to see what all the fuss was about. He says he was hooked from that minute on. He has turned all our grandchildren into Beatles fans, too. It just goes to show what a truly unique and talented group of people they were, to still have fans and to be as popular now as they ever were. A few summers ago we met a man who met the Beatles; he gave them a gig just months before they got huge. That's as close as we've come to meeting any of them....
Pend? Do you see my panties over there? 'Cause girl...they done blew off and I still can't find 'em. shiiittttt....
Hope that you're having a good weekend, my sweets.
Wonderful story! You always have the best stories. You really should write a book.
That is an AWESOME story. Awesome. Re-inspired my dormant E-bay addiction...
WOW. That is some story. It truly is a small world, huh?
Cool! No wait.... COOOOOOL!!!
Coolest. Story. Ever.
Awesome! The whole 6 degrees thing works with Ringo!
I have the song "Photograph" on 45. Remember those small records? I have probably listened to it at least 500 times and it is still my fav!
We also bought and gave each other the Love CD this Christmas. Good luck!
Thanks for the nice note on my blog about Sandy my pug. Very appreciated.
What an awesome story! I have ordered MANY times from Ebay and NEVER had such luck! (hee-hee) This post brought a smile to my face. It is nice to hear that there are still some nice people in the world!
What an awesome tale! It's nice to know there are nice-ies out there! ;)
What an awesome tale! It's nice to know there are nice-ies out there! ;)
That is an amazing story! Christmas cheer indeed. :)
What a marvelous story! We're bigtime Beatles fans, too. I grew up with their music, and it's still amazing.
My favorite was George, and Flip's was John. That was the thing - there was somebody for everybody.
I love that you and the Caveman seller made a real connection. That is so much better than a mere purchase. And his sending Scooter the personal phone message from Paul was an act of incredible kindness.
Another lovely, lovely story from you to warm my day. Thank you.
oh i miss christmas so much! what a fun story.
ps i won't buy anything from anyone on ebay who doesn't use some easy form of payment!
You just never know, do you?
What an amazing story. Gave me goosebumps (oh wait maybe that was Kevin's comment), anyway sorry it took me so long to comment, I tried last week but blogger was being "difficult".
Let it Be.
What a beautiful story..
Thanks for bringing us there..
My daughter would be green at the gills..
All We Need is Love...that's a Beatles song right?
What a nice story. You're lucky that your child shares your interests & you have such a wonderful bond to share. I'd love to share my love of Star Trek with mine :-)
Thank you for coming by CODEPINK and for your supportive comments. BTW, you have an awesome blog here.
Dariana Donovan
IL State Coordinator
CODEPINK: Women For Peace
JILLBETH:That is pretty neat.
KEVIN CHARNAS: Yes, you panites WERE here but Nikki took them... Something about having you goover and use a chainsaw or something like that???
HAUTEMAMA: All You Need is Love is one ofmy favourite Beatle songs...and Scooter is learning how to play it on the piano...
CUBE: In time... My daughter is also subjectedto all kinds of olde movies... No choice...
DARIDONAVON: Thanks and so do you!!!!
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